World of Warcraft: Cataclysm: Review

Once upon a time there was a black dragon. Boring and ordinary. He studied the highest aerobatics, stole cattle with the peasants, extinguished forest fires, which he himself arranged … longing and gray everyday life. Everything has changed with the start of the Great War. The junta, led by old gods, tried to put a new order, but ran into a tough rebuff from the hosts of the world, titans. The gods were soldered by a life sentence in a special regime, the other six were dispersed, and others were put in their place, progressive.

Black Dragon Wisely chose the side of the winners. На фронте зарекомендовал себя смелым и инициативным бойцом. Regularly flew into reconnaissance, covered troops from the air, and most importantly – without tired of the enemies of enemies with napalm. For which he was praised and awarded. When the long -awaited world came, the promising frame did not forget. Among the Titan leaders, the opinion was formed that the flying lizards are responsible people, and the best candidates for the positions of ministers for natural elements cannot be found.

The black dragon got the earth. Subsoil, minerals, precious metals and stones, oil, gas – not life, but the dream of an oligarch in a tenth degree. I had to fly to fly to crawl. But he was not offended – for such a destiny, another dragon would give not only the principles, but also the wings with his tail and teeth. Happiness, however, did not last long – the appetite, as he usual, came during food. And the Hero-Frontovik seemed to be one of the five ministers for such a garnish ladder as he is a uniform Western.

Resentment burned his soul more and more. And then the miasms of those who were serving the conclusion of the gods began to be raised – they say, why do you, so cool and black, are gested to the titans? Come on, do not timid. Stand up the curse of the branded, destroy this world to the foundation. And then it does not rust for us – let me just break out of the will. And once the dragon could not stand it and moved. Directly on a praised dragon sanity. As a result of the accident, both of them were completely destroyed and were not subject to restoration. And the lizard, freeing from their bonds, went to war on colleagues and the whole other world.

The new conflict dragged on – the rebel turned out to be an outstanding fighter. Yes, and without brakes. But the skill is good in aphorisms. And in life much more often decides the number. There were too many enemies – and they prevailed. The black dragon was seriously, almost mortally wounded. But he did not die, but hid in the depths of earthly ores. Where he restored strength and chose a convenient moment for a triumphal return. And when he decided that such a moment had come, he showed himself to the world in all his destructive beauty. Cataclysm shook the earth, water and the sky. The faults mutilated the faces of the continents, barren deserts turned into flowering gardens, and fertile plains – into scorched deserts flooded with lava. Part of the land went under water, and somewhere, on the contrary, a new firmament rose.

Everything seems to have happened for a black dragon not bad. Everything except the only little thing: during its inpatient treatment in the world, one trifling change occurred – the horde and alliance of new heroes poured there. Ready for the sake of purple “Epicians” to beat all the stars from the sky, and not just some flying lizards there. Alas you, Neltarion, nicknamed Dead Wing. It seemed to you that the bony became your obedient servant. But it was only the illusion of a sick imagination. You are now not an aspect of death, but ordinary raid content. Humble yourself and get ready for oblivion in eternity.

The victim of marketing

The past return to the Azerot of your submissive did not drag out. It was enough for a month to eat and get drunk with an addon Wrath of the Lich King according to the very idiosyncrase. Two quite non-casual years, the World of Warcraft taught somewhere in the backyard of consciousness-remembered the memory, and everything else was almost forgotten. But the closer the release of the new addition was, the more restless it became in the soul. She seemed to feel a well -known place that professional duty would call very soon. And the long -healing scars of curiosity unexpectedly began to itch and bore.

The annoying nearby Zavzardovsky marketing also played a role. It seems to have already developed immunity to him, but go – got out. The people howled and screamed about the new and incomparable. PR managers assented the listing of fundamental changes. And when nostalgia woke up for three years spent in the game, my will could not stand it and almost broke. I was almost waiting Cataclysm. Almost waited and almost hoped. But the meeting took place – and the obsession immediately left. Marketing, fans and nostalgia again hung on the ears of spaghetti.

I was not offended: resenting them is like resenting the laws of nature. And I also had an iron excuse for anyone or anything, including myself, a production necessity. Work, even when it seems to be a joy, still remains work. By definition, she is supposed to strain. And she strained. Not only and not so much a game in Cataclysm, how much by finding the right words to describe it.

It is very difficult to constructively talk about what was once eaten, chewed, spilled, picked up, eaten, drunk again, then more … The fairy tale about deadly was composed in the topic, and then what is the same? I had to strain all the muscles of my remarkable talent (okay, a joke; although you won’t praise yourself … well, you understand) to drive out subjective swearing and find warm objective words. Scolding World of Warcraft is now fashionable. And this is wrong. If only because millions are still playing it.

New talents

This is not to say that Cataclysm not brought anything new. Even if you do not take into account changes in old locations. Changes, by the way, are significant. For example, the azshar was captured by the Horde and turned into a frog for small. The steppes (Barrers) were divided by a huge fault into northern and southern, a thousand needles flooded, Tanaris, too, but not so much … However, the locations are coming, and the gameplay is eternal.

The main change, probably, was the total rebalass of talents and abilities. Rebalance suggested. Already in the previous addon a situation arose when classes could, with the mechanical addition of new talent glasses (dozen over ten new levels), combine the ability in one configuration, which for the sake of a delicious and healthy balance should not be united. The developers had to pretty shame with the tambourine around “talented trees” to do everything relatively right.

But in Cataclysm The ceiling of levels has grown by five more – and no dances could save. And then the old trees cut down, and in their place they urgently raised new. Now each of the three specializations is really specialization. With one key attack, a couple of exclusive abilities, a unique bonus from the new characteristic “skill” and the inability to open two other branches until the main 31 points (in total are 41 talent points).

Despite the fact that talent glasses have become much smaller (in Wrath of the Lich King, for example, there were 61), on the total number of abilities this was slightly affected. The number of simultaneously accessible ones decreased, and therefore, the headache decreased when choosing a specialization. Even the fate of Buridanov Poster proved that many sorrows lurk in many possibilities. AND Blizzard With her inherent humanism, I took care of the spiritual health of the players. For what developers should express a separate gratitude.

Simultaneously with changes in talents, all techniques and spells lost level differentiation. Now the effects of attacks and spells are growing automatically with the growth of their strength (strength is a parameter, the bonus to which gives, for example, equipment). And mana expenses are not expressed in absolute, but relative values ​​- as a percentage of the common pool. It used to be wrong. Receptions and spells had levels, and they could be raised or not to increase. In the second case, not only the strength of the effects was reduced, but also the cost of use. Which was sometimes more important than power. Today such tricks do not pass.

The world of archeology

Or not the rebalass pulls on the “fundamental novelty” – the question, of course, is interesting … or ridiculous – depends on who to ask. If you arrive in the United Kingdom and change the left -handed BMW to the exactly the same, but right -hand, whether your car park will change fundamentally? WITH Cataclysm The same situation. The game moved to the new addon and changed the management a little. “Ah, how fresh and new,” is trying to convince us Blizzard. “Ha ha,” we answer … or those of us to whom the drum is the right steering wheel or left.

BMW, however, even in the UK there will remain BMW. And no one will laugh at her. Пока она не проржавеет от старости. World of Warcraft-still World of Warcraft. The most if not popular, then a profitable game in the world. AND Blizzard continues with surgical accuracy to maintain the attractiveness of the project for millions of users. Do the latter need fundamental changes? Yes, they themselves do not know this. But try to lure them in Eve Online or Darkfall Online – and they will run away in two days. Back to Wow. Very eloquent.

Of course, the same thing is boring from year to year, and the developers tried to add all sorts of baubles and ruffles. For example, a new secondary (that is, you can study without restrictions) profession – archeology. Having become an archaeologist, the player will find a shovel icon on the mainland card – these are excavations. You can arrive there and start poking in the ground. Smoke once – a telescope on a tripod will jump out with a lens towards the sought -out burden and with an indicator of the distance before. The indicator is color, but it works on the principle of “heat-cold”. If far – red, if not very – yellow, if very not – green.

We ran back and forth, dug three pieces-Sabbath. Then it is pointless to dig at this place – forward, to the new “shovel”! The extracted pieces are divided into categories: objects of elven culture, objects of troll culture, paleontological fossils … Having gained the right amount, fold the mosaic – and voila, the artifact is ready. While the skill is small, all garbage is located and folds. But with the growth of professionalism, you can dig useful things. And even very useful. Like Two -handed sword Zin’Rokh, Destroyer of Worlds.

Once (at the 60th level) this tesak was mined from the final boss in the raid instance Zul’Gurub. From that time three additions flowed, and the weapon turned into an archaeological relic. However, walking at different hands and staying in the damp earth positively affected its characteristics: sharpening became sharper, hardening is stronger, spell – stronger. Not a sword, but a dream of a novice warrior (or anyone who can use) 85th level. Yes, the chance of the find is negligible. But he is. And everything else is a matter of hope and perseverance.

New setting

If you think carefully, look from different sides, play for different classes, try out different professions, you can find a few more “important” changes. For example, two new races: goblins for the Horde and Vorgen (werewolves who can jump on four paws) for the alliance. Hurray, sensation! If you have never run on four limbs in your life, now only with us, almost for nothing, nothing complicated, is accessible even to children and pensioners … And even Taurenes can now become paladins!

You have not heard anything about the magical crossing of objects?! Well, how is it, this is a sensation! Now you can increase some secondary characteristics on equipment (speed ratings, critical impact, accuracy and the like) at the expense of others. You need a high chance of a critical hit and does not need a high attack speed? They took it away from the second, added to the first – and you feel how happiness fills you with lightness and bliss. And your guild, meanwhile, has already gained sixth level and is confidently moving towards the seventh! And on the twentieth (six months later … probably) you can buy a stylish purple helmet from the guild merchant!

Everyone who played in the Wow for the Horde knows about Gamon, the unfortunate Tauren, who lived in the tavern in Orgrimmar. The poor fellow was unlucky to be the only low -level character (or even the only character) in the capital of the orcs who could attack the representatives of the Horde. Therefore, almost all of. By the number of deaths, Gamon probably took one of the first places.
But in Cataclysm Everything has changed. Tauren who was brutalized from genocide very hard and in some two years have gone from freezer to an elite fighter. Now he can’t fill him alone – he is enough for a few seconds to deal even with the thickest tanks. Gamon still lives in the same tavern, near it you can often find the corpses of losers who have not come to terms with new realities.

PVP lovers came great joy – rating Battlgrades, the need for which they talked for so many years. It is enough to collect ten or fifteen like -minded people who are ready to enter the battlefields, to defend in the queue of half an hour (on Russian -speaking servers) – and now she, the dream of steep “epic” without aren -based e -sports, grab it by the tail. Hey, hey where?! Half an hour in line is such a trifle compared to. Bastards, again dial the team ..

But who will definitely not be up to fun, is the developers of future strategies Warcraft (We have no doubt that such strategies will someday make?). For since the last of them the setting of them, the setting has changed a little more than completely. Modern Warcraft It affects technical equipment. Tanks? Present. Artillery? There is. Aviation? As much as you like. There are also submarines and airborne troops (with parachutes). I won’t be surprised if tactical and intercontinental ballistic missiles, orbital stations, spaceships and nuclear weapons appear soon. Right, the creators of Starcraft come to think about the inclusion of two new fractions in the game – hordes and alliance. Both are already quite ripe for this.

Repetition of the passed

The second attempt to return to World of Warcraft did not cause me any enthusiasm, but only finally convinced that the game was passed and it was time to put up with it. Probably, the Bluezardovsky monster is good as a social network – for those who over the years of use have overgrown with numerous friends and acquaintances and do not imagine without them further life. Or as an e -sports discipline – for lovers to compete for a prize or at leisure. Well, if there are still fans of MMOs, who still have not bothering, be sure to buy and study. At least for general development. The same who turned this page, its re -reading is unlikely to bring their previous pleasure.

An ambiguous impression leaves the move of the setting from classical fantasy to almost Steam Punk. Not so much by moving ourselves, but by the methods of implementation. It seems that the “scientific and technical revolution” in WOW was produced exclusively “on jokes”. To amuse a specific MMO “PIL” with an original spectacle. And when it comes to other entertainment in the universe, all technical miracles will safely forget and throw it out. However, I could be mistaken. Therefore, just in case, I am waiting for a trepidation of Hollywood production. The world’s first taran pilots are an enemy dragon, a feat of 28 gobble heroes who stopped the at the cost of their lives, a tank breakthrough of the alliance, the disputes of soldiers at rare minutes of lull-which is cooler, landmine or fireball … There are every chance of a phenomenal spectacle.

If you do not wait for anything fundamentally new and do not glow with righteous anger for trampled canons established by three strategies and the original World of Warcraft, then Cataclysm can be considered successful. There are more spectacles, the balance was not spoiled, achievements and goals were increased, Epica and raids are still pleasing-what else people need? And individual dissatisfied do not solve anything. Blizzard Rules rules and will rule the gaming world. At least before Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Pros: new content;Old balance.
Cons: changes in the setting;Lack of new ideas.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

The best comments

OMG 0_O WAU. From an afford, it carries fiercely, frantic hatred for wow, but it is not possible to openly call it shit (t.To. closely, as always, made a new addon very high quality).
Nothing new? The victim of Margeing? Pfff … what a marketing? What is so new and what fundamental changes to Gavori closely? All that was said at the press conferences, on the close -up and so on, everything washed down. Afftor you expected from an addon to the game. IMHO excellent high -quality addon! All according to the standard:
– all the skills and talents (and this is a huge job) completely re -has been overlooked that there are almost no useless skills and talents.
– Crossed the whole card
– improved graphon (especially water)
– Wroked normal quests lined up in an interesting chain
– added the pumping of guilds (well, there are all sorts of buns, but the afforder did not even mention it)
– New territory of the whirlpool in the center
– The opportunity to fly on mounts
– 2 new races
+ A bunch of everything.
In general, another high -quality addon from close, forcing many to return to the game! What else is needed? Afftor is dull.

[QUOTE] In the SWTOR Clone Vova?[/quote]
[quote] This year there are many more worthy projects: GV2, pack, rift, Black Professi.[/quote]
[quote] This year there are many more worthy projects: GV2, pack, rift, Black Professi.[/quote]
[quote] This year there are many more worthy projects: GV2, pack, rift, Black Professi.[/quote]
Funny … because I heard these words on many news of the WWII when all sorts of allo and horsemen appeared there, and everywhere they wrote – and goodbye, Danu, Konan will soon come to play, and the afternoon is no longer
And what in the end – the people in the EVERTICAL RESULTS sharply, and after two months again, all the implication again … to overtake the game that has been modified for so many years just nonsense
I even doubt that the new game of Bluczov will be able to recapture people … The Second World War will die when all the servers will turn off forever … And I’m sure this disconnection will create so much noise that they will remember about the game for many more.

Anyone who says that the shit of shit is far from the count can be a little clumsy, but everything is drawn so that the sting rejoices, it’s not even close to the ruler just and the fentezi line is nothing real and there are stupid traveled movements there. After all, half of you have not seen locations that really delighting your eyes and soul, not when you sit all night and meet the dawn in the location Feralas, then you finally forget that you were nonsense all night, then write opinions about the Second World War, having gone normally in it. Respect Bizzard.

That World of Warcraft has always steamed and will steer for a long time … At least for another 3 years, until Blizzard will make their new Neksten MMO (supposedly called Titan) so there is nothing to argue about, Wow is a MMO giant that wins in comparison with what Lieb

In the cataclysm, completely redo the battle system, so to talk about the “so -so” changes in Nadia, I am not a wow fan, but I always respected for the wild balance of which is not in one MMO. The review is excellent … ATP

[quote] I do not like similar games.They are very stupid people [/quote] apparently World of Tanks is engaged in the same

Lordwan, Gravewyrm, Hasken, +100500 Afftor clearly does not like MMO and the Second World War in Primcy ..
Yavich, I personally play in the Second World War, about once every 2-3 days (though if it is in the afternoon, then this is 3-4 hours). I have enough. Well, you’re right, shkololo playing 25/8/367 in VUVA. Sad but True.

Those who complain about the graphics, go shoot at your shooters with a beer and containers. The game is just for many years, but unlike other games that end in their existence, it still holds on, this is already a huge achievement.
And why does it seem to me that most of those who scold the game simply cannot afford it because parents will not give money?

Good day to everyone! I would not say so that Blueza was laid out or rowing money with a shovel, the game continues to be intronts like in PVP and PVE.And I really doubt that any game will kill the Second World War, and at least remember how many of them were GTA on the Alda of the Lord of the Rings and even the recently released inech about superheroes, the developers’ plans were to immediately overtake the WWII.But all these bisons quickly burned out the same with the rift and Starvars.Blinds have good authority and they create very bad games.

And for that matter … if the close ones take up the mind, then such games as the Aion and Waha ruler will go into non -blessing

WOW is amazing! In any case, not a single project has been tightened so long. Quite a high-quality pva content, namely: captivating the plot and visual design (albeit with a monotonous tactics such as “Beat and run, beat and run!”) Dungeons and raids. Many auxiliary addons allow more to focus on what is happening and almost relying off the sizes of dignity with the Sopartians.PVP made no less high quality. It is possible to sew to the ground almost absolutely equal in strength of the enemy in various perverted methods.You can do this beautifully and without taking away the opponent a lot of time. Both of these content also have very pleasant prizes in the form of a beautiful groat \ weapons \ animals \ useful bauls. Before I left the game after almost 4 years of the game, I liked to collect unusual tyirs, combine them to look beautiful.And also collect all sorts of funny things like Carlomaslav. Yes, I never found the strength to go through the raids of the cataclysm, but I got a lot of pleasure passing the chains of quests in all game locations, studied a bunch of cunning techniques for all classes, enjoyed new views and went to Real Madrid.

A few words.
I played WOW since the appearance of the add -on BC. The atmosphere of the game is concise with the advent of Cataclysm and has not disappeared anywhere, everything is also colorful, interesting, loved. The graphics here are much more pleasant for all sorts of Korean-Chinese projects there, everything in them is somehow dead, dry, empty, no as here. The atmosphere in the second warms, pleases. Kach in the game goes easily, the quests changed for the better, a huge number of dungeons throughout all levels, a huge PVE content. First BC, then Wotlk, now a cataclysm. Raids, people, emotions, achievements, gear like an attribute to achieve more, higher. The pumping of the guild unites, makes you work together, communicate. PVP component does not lag behind. There are many contests, events, in Wowe everyone finds what to do, choose, choose what, you can list for a long time, and it seems to me that this creation of Blizzard will be an idol for a long time.

I agree with the review, the blizards simply redrawn old ideas in a new way. The last significant addon for the Second World War was “Burnin Cruser” in the convict really interesting to play, and then “Copy-Past” had already gone. We are waiting for the “Jedi” and we hope that they will kill the Second World War, so that the blizards change their minds and take up the strategy, and do not incite the loot on one and the same)

Having played 1 month, the cataclysm bored wildly and is tired of waiting for something new, and the most anticipated for me is the MMO in the Varhamer Dov universe with the cosmodesant ITD

At one time he played wildly, a constant race for clothes, and then chased after Achivka. Yes, a new addon came out and your long -assembled set needs to be changed to green … No, I’m sorry, I’m better and I won’t start a new one.

Played 1 month, tired. If earlier than I was in Dalaran more time, now the path is Ogri and Tol Barad. I was still drawn to play in the wolf, now I didn’t pull – this is the only plus of the addna